Please can you ensure, along with your playing partners, that you observe the following course etiquette for the benefit of yourself and others:
- Rake bunkers, and please push the sand towards the centre of the bunker and do not drag it towards the edge as you leave
- Repair your pitch marks, and whilst waiting to putt, see if any others require your attention
- Replace divots on the fairways, and use the divot bags provided. They really do make a difference!
- Place divot sand in Par 3 tee divots
- Keep trolleys and buggies OUTSIDE of greenside bunkers and away from green complexes/banks (do not drive up to green)
- Drive buggies in the rough and avoid fairways wherever possible during the winter
- Carry bags, if you are able, during exceptionally wet periods.
Also, be aware of keeping up with pace of play. If you lose a hole please allow the group behind to play through when possible.