
Braintree Golf Club

Dress Code

We respectfully ask Members and Visitors to the club to observe the following dress code both on and off the course.

On The Course and Practice Areas

Recognised golf shoes and golf clothing, with shirts preferably tucked in (no jeans/cargo-style shorts/trousers/flip flops or football shirts please).

In the Clubhouse 

We are happy for Members and Visitors to wear smart or smart casual dress, whether this be smart jeans or jacket and tie. However, ripped or dirty jeans, track suits, beachwear, flip flops, waterproofs and football shirts are not permitted. The wearing of hats in the clubhouse is not permitted,

Golf shoes are permitted in the spike bar but not in the lounge or dining room.

Our aim with our dress code is to have a modern and common sense approach so that Members and Visitors feel comfortable at all times both on and off the golf course. 

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones can only be used in the changing rooms or in the car park. Mobile phones may not be used on the course or in the clubhouse except for emergency use. Mobile phones, iPads and laptops may be used for internet access, emails and texting but must always be placed in silent mode.

Car Park

We respectfully ask that Members and Visitors refrain from changing footwear in the carpark.

We ask Members and Visitors to the club to respect and observe a smart and clean standard of dress both on and off the course.

This dress code is also displayed in our bars and changing rooms.

Braintree Golf Club

King's Lane, Stisted, Braintree , Essex, CM77 8DD
Tel: 01376 346 079

E, D & I Policy

Code of Conduct

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